My Teenage Life

Hi, my name is Pixie and this is my story.So, it all started on a normal day, age of 18, looking for a good family with my sister Depp. I adopted a kid named jiggles, yelia, and white.  Tommarrow was jiggles' birthday, i brought home a bunny, a puppy, and a cat. The puppy was for her birthday. She though I had ignored her and stormed upstairs. I said "I wasn't ignoring you, so many things are happening.. so I got this for you" and i showed her the puppy. She loved it and forgave me. Later on we were partying for her birthday. Then we went to bed. In the middle of the night someone broke in and slept with us. We ended up going outside and fighting. Yeila and White ran away at this point. Depp was slapping him, the bunny turned evil and started fighting him, and me, well i was fighting along with them. We chased him up the tree house and we were at the end.  I was weak, and so was the bunny and depp, jiggles was there terrified. I was weak, about to die, I couldnt last longer... but... i did my best and made it...The bunny was weak, so bad, he died..... and i cried until my heart was empty...then my daughter (jiggles) commitied suicide. I cried my heart out even more. Then depp commited suicide aswell... I decided to jump off the tree house and kill myself. We all came back as ghosts, the bunny was dead for good, and depp came back as a cat.   I lost jiggles, all i had was a dog named aaron and depp, the cat. I was alone, i went out looking for my baby. At the adoption center, I found her.."Jiggles...""Mommy......""Jiggles......""Mommy........""Come home...jigges.... *single tear*""Yes momma...."Then she found her long lost twin sister, Sparkles.I brought them both homeSoon, jiggles left, and so did aaron.I was left with depp and sparklesSparkles went up on the treestand roof and got stuck.I went up to save her and told her the storyShe was scared, and jumped off the treestand for goodI cried, and decided to end my ghostly life.That was the end, of my life...